The sun is midway through its life of fusion. It's about 5 billion years old, and though its life is far from over, it will ...
Cure” is a not an immutable term, the authors of a new study write, and its meaning depends on the context in which it is ...
The Übermensch. Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch describes the individuals who transcend ordinary humanity, who create their own value system and live beyond conventional morality, religious ...
Listen to poets Mary Oliver and Ocean Vuong discuss the nature of being, or revisit Slavoj Zizek's writings with these ...
Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the damaged areas with lacquer dusted or mixed with ...
Contemporary life is rife with talk of impending apocalypse, from the plots of countless books and movies to the increasingly ...
“What is the meaning of life?” is simultaneously one of the oldest questions in philosophy and a relatively new concept: While the quest for purpose stretches back farther than the ancient Greek ...
Figuring out what it’s all about is humanity’s most important shared project. Does religion have a role to play?
3 This humanistic approach not only is an effective psychotherapeutic system but also a philosophy that offers practical guideposts to advance the human quest for meaning in everyday life and work ...
Residence life at Bethel will be a home where students grow and thrive in connection with God and others. We want Residence life at Bethel University to be an integral part of your educational ...