Imagery of Saturn captured by the James Webb Space Telescope is superimposed over an image captured by Hubble. "Yellows ...
The glowing, clumpy streams of material shown moving left and right in this Hubble image are the signposts of star birth. This picture, an assembly of individual images taken by NASA's Hubble Space ...
NASA has shared some of the awe-inspiring images of star birth. Here we describe star birth in certain nebulas, galaxy ...
NASA's Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory imaged the extremely luminous afterglow of explosion GRB 080319B using its X-ray Telescope (left) and Optical/Ultraviolet Telescope (right). NASA's Wide-field ...
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Dr. Jennifer Wiseman explains the Hubble Space Telescope's view of the Pillars of Creation ...
Gravitational lenses bend and focus light from the more distant cosmos, offering astronomers a cheat code for chronicling the ...
Astronomers developed a technique that uses a star's spectrum to chart variations in its temperature to the nearest tenth of ...
It is almost 100 years since scientists discovered the universe is expanding. In the decades that followed, the accuracy of ...
Astronomers study stars by looking at the different colors of light they emit—colors they capture and analyze using ...
Nicknamed Porphyrion after a giant in Greek mythology, the jet megastructure dates to a time when the universe was 6.3 ...