The ebook edition of this resource is available from and the kindle edition is available from Amazon ...
Shadow education has been studied in areas such as comparative education, educational policy, sociology of education, education and economics, and lifelong education, but mainstream Anglophone ...
Documentation of children’s assessment for learning is a vital cog in the turning gears of early childhood education (ECE). This article examines findings from a current research study comparing ...
The term assessment capable was introduced in New Zealand to distinguish between the more formulaic use of assessment-for-learning practices, and those that empower students to become self-regulated ...
Emotional literacy is at the heart of effective educational leadership. It supports organisational culture and change management, as well as teaching and learning outcomes. The research reported in ...
In Aotearoa New Zealand a braided rivers—he awa whiria metaphor is facilitating conversations between Māori (indigenous peoples) and non-Māori researchers about the integration of knowledge systems.
The 2007 New Zealand curriculum introduced the idea of a “social inquiry” in the social studies curriculum. However, it appears that the nature and purpose of a social inquiry is still unclear to many ...
This commentary focuses on philosophical underpinnings that could guide a sea change in approaches to sustainability within English-medium curricula in Aotearoa. Framed optimistically, it engages with ...
It has long been known that families can have a significant effect on their children's achievement. This is supported by a recent NZCER evaluation on the Home–School Partnership: Literacy programme.
Weaving te Whāriki: Aotearoa New Zealand’s early childhood curriculum document in theory and practice (3rd ed.) ...
Pasifika learners. NCEA, as the nationally endorsed means of measuring achievement, exerts considerable power over what educators teach Pasifika young people is important and of intrinsic value for ...
Director of Educational Initiatives, Office of the Vice Chancellor, University of Auckland ...